John’s stories are set in New York. And yes, the events are from a very specific time and place in New York’s history, but the issues, conflicts, and drama are still at play today: political corruption, racial tensions, financial inequities.

John Nuckel knows the inside of a corporate boardroom like the back of his hand, but he tells stories like a broker bending your ear at the bar and grill.
His stores span the turn of the last century, to the Harlem Renaissance, to the most corrupt decade in Wall Street history.
But his characters and conflicts confront events and issues that grace today’s headlines. What goes around, is around.
Using seminal events plucked from New York history, John’s characters wrestle with timely American dilemmas in a timeless, “Only-in-New-York” kind of way.

Et Omnia Recta: To Make Things Right
The mission was set into motion at the turn of the previous century – Et Omnia Recta – To Make Things Right. Even if making things right means doing something pretty wrong.
In the timeless arc of John’s “Volunteers” trilogy, we see volunteers doing whatever it takes, from enlisting the help of killers and thugs, to banding together with one of the most notorious organizations inAmerica, Murder, Incorporated.And in this spirit, Et Omnia Recta carries on to this day.